Competition is the driving force in the business industry and often in other professions as well. Everyone is trying to be the best or have the best product or service in order to “win” the consumer as their prize. This competitive nature doesn’t just appear once we enter our professional lives; it is formed and evolved from our youth. Playing baseball, softball, basketball, football, soccer, doing gymnastics, swimming, or any other sport as a child, builds upon our competitive nature as people and helps drive us in our everyday lives. As adults, we often lose sight of the fun side of competition and make everything too serious. Lucky for us, there are plenty of park district programs/fitness centers that offer adult sports. Put the beer down for an hour, channel your former athletic self, and join one of the following rec sports to get out and be a kid again.

Adult softball has a strong reputation for “beer leagues.” What this means is you have a few (or more) beers, go play your game, and return to your venue of choice to continue drinking. If you win, you have reason to celebrate; if you lose, you have a reason to drown your sorrows. Seems like a win-win scenario! Rec softball has a lot of variations from 12” to 16”, fast-pitch or slow-pitch, and co-rec, men’s, and women’s leagues. Seasons are usually played in the summer and fall, or if you aren’t a very committed individual, weekend tournaments are available. If you are someone who takes athletics very seriously, USA Softball offers regional and national tournaments for those who prefer to roll up in matching bat bags and arm sleeves. Whether playing to win or just to get off your ass, you are sure to indulge in some adult beverages and have a good time.

Great with their hands, loves to take charge, puts things where they belong, and will have to change shirts after. I don’t know where your head's at, but I am talking about the athletes of one of the toughest skill sports out there: volleyball. This rec sport provides a lot of opportunity for all ability levels and interest across the board. Being one of the more challenging rec sports, this skill set takes some practice to get up to a competitive level, but everyone in this community is willing to help and support you. Being one of the ultimate team sports, you must rely on your team mates, which helps promote an environment of aide for anyone not up to par. These leagues can be played both indoors and outdoors on the soft sand of the summer or in loud gyms during the winter months. This sport brings out some of the most gifted female athletes who want nothing more than to work with you and play for a win. Sports with beautiful athletes sounds like a victory to me! Nothing is better than putting up a huge block or killing the ball, so work on those hands and find a league.

We all have that one friend who looks for any excuse to yell “Kobe!” when they have any object representing a ball and a garbage can. He’ll get in your face, give you a head shake and nail a deep three from the corner of the office cubicle like he was playing for a championship ring. Steve Byrnes explains it best in his comedy special, Champion; men don’t get our championship ring like women do with their engagement rings. Because of this, we have to live it out in every moment we can and make the biggest deal out of every pointless shot or pretend dunk. Instead of pretending, call up your buddies and challenge their paper ball three with a real opportunity to throw down on the court. Whether at the local rec center, your backyard or the public courts down the street, there are always people looking to play in a league or just set up a pick-up game. Grab some Lebron’s or D-Rose Adidas’ and live out your championship dream; no one will question you when you hit a deep three and yell “Kobe!” in their face.

Dodge, dip, duck, dive, and dodge…The wise wisdom of Patches O’Houlihan is all you need to understand the original P.E. game of the year. Most of us hold memories of this game from our youth where we would make up rules as the game goes and throw the ball as hard as we could until we couldn’t feel our shoulder anymore. Lucky for us adults, this game isn’t just for kids any longer. More and more dodgeball tournaments/leagues are popping up across the country and people are chomping at the bit to play this old pastime. Reclaim your youthful dominance by sniping your friends from across the gym or making a diving catch to eliminate the other team. No wrenches on these courts; just blood, sweat and the sweet smell of rubber balls.

Former tennis athletes love the sport they played through high school or college, but often have a hard time finding people who have the same ability. Playing “pick-up” tennis is a little bit more difficult than some other sports because it requires a specific set of skills that can be challenging to learn. Lucky for us non-tennis players, in the 1960s, a game called pickleball was created, which provides the average joe an opportunity to learn beginner tennis skills. Pickleball is a racquet sport which uses wooden paddles, a whiffle-ball look-a-like, and is often played in gyms on a downsized tennis court. Having the choice of playing a singles or doubles game provides an increased chance that you can find people to play, unlike sports like basketball or volleyball which require teams of greater numbers. This racquet sport evens the playing field for tennis players and your average local with the use of different equipment and game rules. The physics of a tennis ball and whiffle-ball are nothing alike, which gives us non-tennis folk a chance to put the experienced to shame.

Juggle like Pele, block like Hope Solo, bend it like David Beckham, and crush it like Alex Morgan in the original futbol. Soccer is arguably the most popular sport across the globe and is played across all kinds of classifications: different age groups, men’s, women's and co-rec leagues, competitive, recreational, professional, semi-pro, indoor and outdoor. There is a version of this game for every kind of player, whether beginner or veteran, and all kinds of modifications if you are looking to spice it up a bit. This is one of the toughest endurance sports out there with its constant running. Whether looking to shoot a bullet in the top corner, juke a defender with a maradona, or just improve your endurance while trying to keep up, soccer pushes your limits and will wear you out. Find a league and test that leg strength! Might make you rethink skipping leg day.

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